Monday, March 16, 2009

Q8: Turkey

Gunipok asked:

Why eat 'turkey' on thangsgiving? Why in malay, its ayam belanda when we oredi say TURKEY, not Holland? And in chinese pulak, forgai? Moe tit lalang??


Dear HKK,

It was stated in the batu bersurat last time in Kuala Berang (no, not that Batu Bersurat. It's the other less famous one) that the Sultan sent 3 people to Turkey to learn about ways of making Turkish Delight around the year 1903 till 1905. As usual, the 3 persons went were semangat muhibah one. Ali, Beng Hock and Muthu.

Once there, Beng Hock decided not to come back. Rumors says that it's because of the Turkish Bath. Anyway, while 3 of them were there, only Ali and Muthu were on schedule, learning about Turkish Delight. Beng Hock pulak, always missing but can be found in the Turkish Bath places.

One day, the Holland garmen, sent 1 big bird to Turkey as present to tighten the friendship between both countries. Ali and Muthu, not knowing what bird is that mai ask the locals la. The locals also dunno. They just say Turkey Bird. But Ali and Samy dowan to sound rude to name the bird after the host country, so they called it Ayam Dari Belanda.

On the last day of training, Ali, Beng Hock and Muthu met at the pier.

Beng Hock: Eh, itu bulung apa nama?
Ali: Tatau la. Ayam dari Belanda datang.
Beng Hock: Apa Ayam Belanda? Sini Turkey tau.
Muthu: Aiyo macha, yennadei. Turkey kawan sama Belanda
Beng Hock: *feels cheated* Korang mau tipu sama saya ka!?
Ali: Kawan, kita talak tipu sama lu la..
Beng Hock: *mumbles* Siong for 9 ngo ah? Ming ming hai Turkey Kai lei geh!

Angrily, Beng Hock left the pier, leaving only Ali and Muthu naik kapal.

In the ship they discussed about this issue:

Ali: Just now why that Beng Hock says 'for 9 ngo'? Apa maksud?
Muthu, Tatau la.. Mungkin dia kata for kai ngo..?
Ali: Oh ya, kai is ayam bekos dia selalu kata mau makan kaifan.
Muthu: Mungkin For Kai is nama cina bagi Ayam Dari Belanda..
Ali: Beng Hock memang pandai..

Once they reached Malaya, they terus sent a report on their trip to the sultan, complete with the illustration of the turkey and the name Ayam Balanda in Malay and For Kai in Chinese. As usual, the recipe for Turkish Delight went missing along the way..

Why Thanksgiving must eat Turkey? Because chicken is too small and ostrish is too big to feed a family lor..

True story.

Hope we got your questions answered.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Q7: Bless You!

HKK asked:

Why do we say 'bless u' when ppl sneeze?, and what is the proper thing to say when someone farts or burps? They are afterall,sounds emitted fr within.


Dear HKK,

It was stated in the medical literature that was discovered by Robinson Crusoe in the 18th century during his expedition through the Native Americans that there are slimes covering our brain inside the skull.

This discovery was so great during that time, a medical revolution was started amongst doctors and scientists on the importance of this so-called slime. They name it brain juice. Or the scientific name brainco-juitis.

Then one day, one of the scientists, Prof Sinka while doing his research on this slime, sneezes and the goo came out from his nose! The doctors and scientists surronding him, were startled. One of the doctors quickly exclaimed ' May God bless you on the losing the brain juice!' However, Prof Sinka did not die. Instead, he just wiped off the brain juice and continue with his research. But the rest were not convinced.

Few minutes later Prof Sinka sneezed again and the same thing happened. And again, the rest says, 'May God bless you on the losing the brain juice!' This goes on every few minutes for the next 5 hours.

By the end of the day, everyone were tired. So, whenever Prof Sinka sneeze, they just say 'Bless you!'..

News travels like wildfire. In the shortest time, everyone in town started to say 'Bless you' when they heard anyone sneezes.

And what is the proper things to say when people farts or burps? Below is the best thing to say:

1) Fart: Woi! Pink kor hamkaling fong phei!!!

2) Burp: Woi! Pink kor hamkaling sik si lei!!!

Hope we got your questions answered.